The Oppsite Sex

If you haven’t noticed by now, I regret to inform you that men and women are different. Yep. Yep they are. Along with a different physical anatomy that may be the most obvious, we also come with very differing emotional and mental differences. While living in our unique social society here in Rexburg, you may have felt overwhelmed with the social “guidelines” that are present. As the 80’s ballad by Pat Benatar states: “Love is a battlefield.” Trying to understand members of the opposite sex may seem like a monumental task. Let alone trying to develop a relationship and date something so foreign and different. I’d like to suggest some pointers to try to help you ease the mysterious burden of members of the opposite sex.

1. Know that you are not alone.

According to a recent survey given to current BYU-Idaho students, very few are confident in their understanding of members of the opposite sex. 60% of girls said they didn’t understand guys. While 74% of guys responded that they don’t understand girls. Some common expressions when asked if they believed that they understood the opposite sex were: “Yeah Right!” “NO!” “Not at all!” “No way.” “NO! THAT’S WHY I’M SINGLE.”


The most sure fire way to understand someone is to talk to them. But don’t forget that just as important as talking is LISTENING. From all of the surveys that you will later see, everyone is different. There are strong common similarities but no two people answered exactly the same. Just like in our classes here at school, it requires effort and hard work, so unfortunately there is no easy answer for knowing the opposite sex. There’s no fool proof formula for understanding girls and guys. But try to remember that the ability to talk and have your date remember what you said is a top priority. We all want to understand and be understood. Remember to be honest and yourself.

3. There is no ideal. Mistakes will happen

I don’t know anyone who has dated without ups and downs. Don’t be hard on yourself. “In terms of the formation of long-term relationships, it's far better to get false negatives than false positives.” -Eric Pepke ( It’s probably going to take a few tries before we find what we’re each looking for. Don’t get discouraged.

4. Keep it Simple!

Remember that there are a lot of differences between sexes. It all comes down to effort. So, here’s a little hint. Girls: Guys are simple. Don’t over analyze. Don’t play games. Guys: Girls tend to be more complex. Be sensitive and sincere. Put some effort into it. So for repetition’s sake, everyone is different. Focus on individuals and be yourself. And as stated above, communicate! The easiest way to understand someone is to ask.

5. Take a look at the Surveys!

We asked you, local BYU-I coeds about dating! Let’s just say; maybe you can apply the teaching model from what we’ve gathered. Take a look, learn, and apply.

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