
Guys, have you ever wondered what turns girls off? Girls, have you ever wanted to know if you could ask for his number? After some lengthy surveying of local BYU-Idaho students we put this information together for your good. Enjoy!

Guys: How can a girl show interest without being too forward?
1. Be flirty!! (This was by far the most common response.)
2. Show him specific attention or interest.
3. Boys are dumb and they won’t catch on no matter what you do. (Yep. Guys admitted this.)
4. Be friendly.

Girls: What’s the nicest thing a guy can do for you?
1. Be complimentary/ Leave her feeling better about herself .
2. Be a gentleman. (Open doors, be polite and not just to your date but everyone. Call or text after your date to thank her for the night.)
3. Be genuine.
4. Take charge.
5. Really learn about her. Remember what she said.
6. Be outgoing.

Girls: When does a guy being nice become cheesy?
1. NOT BEING SINCERE. (This was an overwhelming answer.)
2. Trying too hard. (Be yourself. Don’t force anything.)
3. Not being confident.
4. When it’s just plain awkward. (Guys please be careful with pick up lines or nicknames.)

What’s your biggest turn off?
From the Guys:
1. Being weird.
2. Talking too much.
3. Whining.
4. After that we got A LOT of different answers. Here’s some of them:
Immaturity, being rude, weight, coming onto guys, flirting with other guys in front of him, judging too quickly, being selfish, lack of respect for sacred things, being overly dramatic, being controlling, and bad hair. Basically girls, good luck because every guy has a different turn off so just do your best to be yourself.

From the Girls:
1. Arrogance.
2. Rudeness.
3. Immaturity.
4. A guy not living up to his potential.
5. Too needy/ jealous.

Girls: What are the little things you’re looking for on dates?
1. Be a gentleman. (Girls want you to put in the effort to go the extra mile.)
2. Be able to have a continuous conversation.
3. Smile. She wants someone who’s happy and optimistic.
4. A guy who remembers the little things about her.
5. Be thoughtful.
6. Be spontaneous.
7. Call afterwards.

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